Когда речь зашла о Black Witchery и Manticore, то само собой вспомнились еще одни лихие дьявольские перцы из Америки. Правда, группа уже успела откинуть свои козлячьи копыта, но один полноформатный альбом "Desecrated Temple of Impurity" Nuclear Desecration выпустить успели.
Вот что о нем написал один паренек с метал-архивов:
This is probably the best black/war metal album (and possibly band) I've ever heard. This album offers 9 war mongering tracks full of snare-blasting evil. They have obvious influences from Blasphemy, Beherit, Blasphemophagher, Black Witchery and so on. What makes them slightly different from the bands listed is their song-writing skills and more frequent tempo changes. The production isn't perfect, but you can hear every instrument just fine, although some people who aren't familiar with this genre of metal might be picky about it.
What I like most about this album is it's hateful, brutal atmosphere with growling vocals about ritualistic war and violence, which reminds me of Blasphemy. The guitars are very similar to Black Witchery when it comes to it's single-string pattern riffs with songs such as Ritual Desecration and Black Souls of Darkness, Baptized in vomit, then you have the mid-paced groove riffs in some songs, similar to Blasphemy and Beherit in songs Rites of Bloodshed and Nuclear Vomit Command. The bass is fairly audible and has some cool slides and filling riffs but the most unique thing I thought about it was the lead in the slow part of Nuclear Vomit Command, which you don't see too often in these types of bands, so I thought that gave it some variety. The drums usually blast off, but not really as boring as you would think when you hear the term "blast beat" with these types of bands, because the snare has a pretty cool sound and the drummer is good at keeping very fast pace, with some catchy snare patterns and drum fills, which totally add to the beat of the music. I will say I think the bass drums could be louder, but that's my only complaint.
This is a must for War Metal maniacs, because you'll fall in love with this satanic warfest. All I have to say to those who don't usually listen to this style of metal is, set aside production or whatever it is that bothers you about this album besides the music itself and really listen what's going and then decide if it's worth listening to, otherwise it's just not for you. If you're a fan of this genre, go fucking buy it and turn it up at full volume!!!
Blasphemer Nuclearwhore of Black Blood - вокал, гитара, бас
Warbeast Abominator - ударные
Fornicator Perversor of Desolation - бас