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Emo Список групп раздела | emo, screamo, post-hardcore, midwest emo

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Непрочитано 27.11.2009, 18:59   #1
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США Bats&Mice


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Jonathan Fuller
David NeSmith
Ben Davis

Bats & Mice это инди группа созданая Ben Davis-ом, Jonathan Fuller-ом, Dave Nesmith-ом из Sleepytime Trio в Ричмонде, штат Вирджиния, участники которой также играли в Milemarker, Rah Bras, и Men’s Recovery Project,к тому же пробегает параллель с Four Hundred Years,Delegate, Engine Down и Denali.Играли в неопределенном жанре, основанном на хк и панке ,но на более легкой ,припопсованой скажем,структуре и мелодике.Их музыка это сплав более облегченных Death Cab for Cutie и более мелодичных Cursive.Стоит на них обратить свое внимания и любителям Sunny Day Real Estate, Three Mile Pilot,Radiohead.


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Bats and Mice (EP) (2000)
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Bats and Mice features 3/4 of Sleepytime Trio(Ben Davis, Jonathan Fuller, Dave Nesmith). After the other Sleepytime member (Drew Ringo) had moved to the west coast for nearly one year, the remainder of Sleepytime decided it was time to begin playing together again. In the meantime, Jonathan had started Engine Down, Dave began the Rah Bras, and Ben tri-founded Milemarker. Longtime friends, the three decided that, despite the distance between the three of them, they must continue playing together. As no surprise, they continue to intrigue us with powerful, intense musicianship.
This CDep features three songs crafted in a softer, less abrasive manner than the members' other bands, crafted with more attention to vocal melody and space. Almost subdued, but surprisingly powerful, this CD is guaranteed to find its place in heavy rotation among the lovers of the same style of piano and melody that create bands like Three Mile Pilot, Radiohead, and Sunny Day Real Estate.

"Believe It Mammals"(2002)

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Believe It Mammals, the debut full-length by Bats & Mice, is an ambitious work that eagerly explores a multiplicity of dynamics, moods, rhythms, and timbres. For those who like to keep score, Bats & Mice contains members of Four Hundred Years, Sleepytime Trio, Maximillian Colby, Milemarker, Rah Bras, Men's Recovery Project, and a whole cavalcade of outfits you read about in Punk Planet a few years ago. But this quartet out of Richmond, Virginia, forgets the brash, vitriolic excursions of their earlier projects and instead zeroes in on instrumental interplay and unforgettable hooks.

Because three members of Bats & Mice share lead and backing vocals, Believe It Mammals amply features a wide spectrum of deliveries and harmonies. From lazy and languid to towering and animated, Bats & Mice's interlaced voices appeal for repeated listens. But the album is no collection of Gregorian chants. The crisp, regimented percussion and determined guitar work provide the ideal complement to the haunting warmth of the vocalists.

Bats & Mice intends to dash the expectations of listeners who anticipate "ex-members of Band X" to fit the mold of Band X, version 2.0. Believe It Mammals is an avenue of expression intent on capturing moments both intriguing and resounding. Lush vocals and intricate instrumentation work in concert to create captivating musicianship that far and away escapes simply being called "pretty and loud."

"A Person Carying a Hand Made Paperbag as a Royal Person(EP)"(2004)
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With their new CDep, A Person Carrying A Handmade Paper Bag is Considered As A Royal Person, Bats & Mice have fully realized their potential and produced a work that is invigorating and fresh. Originally started as a side project between three members of Sleepytime Trio, the group released their first, self-titled CDep. When Jonathan Fuller left the band, Ben Davis and David NeSmith recruited Ash Bruce and Daron Hollowell, formerly of Four Hundred Years, and released their first full-length, Believe It Mammals. Hollowell and Bruce left the band in 2003 and are currently concentrating on Delegate, their newest project. With the drummer position vacant, Davis and NeSmith welcomed Luke Herbst as the permanent replacement.
A Person Carrying A Handmade Paper Bag is Considered As A Royal Person possesses a clean, polished sound reflecting a band that has pursued a leaner sound. Now more fitted and crisp,the CDep's four songs pop and crackle with irresistible energy and verve. The intricate vocal stylings and versatile ranges of Davis and NeSmith continue to astound listeners, while Herbst's experience as a drummer in a variety of genres ranging from garage rock to dark, crushing metal lays an essential foundation for the pieces and adds a propulsive, driving element to them. As a result of meticulous song writing and critical ears, Bats & Mice have crafted a sound that is barely controlled and imminently memorable.
Bats & Mice have performed with such acclaimed bands as Fugazi, Moldy Peaches, Ted Leo, Engine Down, Q and not U, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Rainer Maria, and Dead Meadow. The release of A Person Carrying A Handmade Paper Bag is Considered As A Royal Person coincides with Bats & Mice 2004 Spring European Tour. With a solidified line-up, Bats & Mice plan to continue short tours throughout 2005 and will continue work on a full-length that promises to expand the dynamic sounds hinted at by this abbreviated CDep.

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Your Myself:
I felt down inside
This time, your place
Pulled out what you hide
This time won't race
I inch towards the wall
You twist your face
One second ago
We were so great

I wasn't enough before
What makes you think that I'm more?
I'll grow up to your remorse
And face myself

You thought things were fine
I wasn't there
I froze with a smile
Inside I blame
I thought things would grow
You weren't the same
I froze with a smile

Worst Comes To Worst:
i'm down buried beneath the ground
(i'll be here just sitting)
left just cause i can't stand the sound
(i'll be here all weekend)
now i don't have to sleep around
(i'll be here just sitting)
till sores appear, not to be found
(i'm still here and i'm leaving)

you're telling me nothing that's worth it, believe me
you're telling me to change my purpose in life
you're telling and forcing me to believe i'm telling all lies
you've gone too far this time

now i don't have to sneak around
(i'll be here just sitting)
till sores appear, not to be found
(i'm still here, and i'm leaving)

you're telling me nothing that's worth it, believe me
you're telling me to change my purpose in life
you're telling and forcing me to believe i'm telling all lies
you've gone too far this time

you're telling me nothing that's worth it, believe me
you're telling me to change my purpose in life
you're telling and forcing me to believe i'm telling all lies
you won't enjoy your life

i went through all i could
i promise i'll try
be sure when you see me
you don't say hi.

Последний раз редактировалось valmakar; 08.10.2012 в 18:48. Причина: флаг
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alex89 (18.10.2012), apfelstrudel (30.09.2011), Gello (10.10.2012), homegrown (22.11.2013), igorek-hxc (28.11.2009), LeonFrost (21.04.2012), Sasha Ji (29.11.2009), tadampampam (30.07.2010), valmakar (08.10.2012), xSurielx (13.05.2010), Дискарндаш (12.12.2014), Прожектор (08.10.2012)
Непрочитано 08.12.2009, 22:20   #2
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Re: Bats&Mice

Drain Chapter вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 08.10.2012, 18:47   #3
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Re: Bats&Mice

2002 на сервачное организуйте плз
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Непрочитано 08.10.2012, 19:49   #4
la tristesse durera toujours
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Re: Bats&Mice

Bats & Mice - Believe It Mammals, Full-length 2002
Genre: Indie
01. A Safe Bet (03:33)
02. Undress Princess (03:52)
03. I'm not Surprised (03:26)
04. Sliding Scale (03:59)
05. Worst Comes to Worst (04:01)
06. Hallway (04:15)
07. A Polished Facade (04:00)
08. Enough For You (02:49)
09. Motel (01:53)
10. Where's Ann Arbor (02:47)
11. Easy (03:38)
12. In Spite Of (03:35)
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LeDesespoir вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
13 пользователя(ей) сказали спасибо:
Andrewshka (15.10.2012), ArsZeeqq (16.10.2012), Gello (10.10.2012), homegrown (22.11.2013), Lights Out (08.10.2012), Midwest Totoro (12.10.2012), newdayrising_x (16.10.2012), valmakar (08.10.2012), WakingFear (08.10.2012), Дискарндаш (12.12.2014), Прожектор (08.10.2012), псово лаяние (09.10.2012), Юрец (15.10.2012)
Непрочитано 15.10.2012, 18:37   #5
vinyl 10"
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Re: Bats&Mice

Сообщение от LeDesespoir Посмотреть сообщение
Bats & Mice - Believe It Mammals, Full-length 2002
до чого ж прекрасний альбом
хоч і практично ніякого стосунку до Емо не має
valmakar вне форума   Ответить с цитированием
Непрочитано 15.10.2012, 19:08   #6
ваша любимая собака
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Re: Bats&Mice

отличный альбом
в описании адочек конечно. Звучат они по хорошему эмцу девяностых, гитарка и аранжировки местами напоминают 125, Rue Montmartre, местами Jawbox и все такое. Короче, конфета. По мне, им бы лоуфайный звучек охуенно подошел бы.
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