Abusive Fisherman — Клятвопреступник (2019

A year ago, the Chernihiv supergroup released their debut full-length album. If you haven't listened to it yet, we're explaining why it's worth doing.

Abusive Fisherman released longplay "Клятвопреступник" ("Oathbreaker") in the best traditions of guerrilla marketing. But for a supergroup (and they can be called exactly so within the Ukrainian underground) this is absolutely adequate position. Who need, that will know, find and understand. See for yourself: the colour of Chernigiv’s scene is in lineup. On the vocal there is Vinnie Great, also known as Drone — main voice for Dan Stark. Vocalist Senya from Remorse and Keepleer 18 is responsible for part of music and sometimes shouting. And guitarist of ЗМА and higher-mentioned Dan Stark — Olexander Gnyl’ (Uzvarr) is dealing with guitar shred. Drummer is – ANTIFREEZE  from Deathna River, and mixing with mastering of release was done by Typical of Dan Stark. Total oil painting. However, it is worth noting that attitude of the band to promo has changed gradually and now they could be found in all actual social networks. 

Musically material is very diversified. Vinaigrette of styles worth Mike Patton’s projects. In instrumental intro and outro (glad to see them called other way, "Misandry" and "Misogyny") you will hear gloomy and languid ambient/sad jazz under the sirens howl with a clearly sampled brass that reminds saxophone. Most on the album though is hardcore of different kinds, mostly "math"/chaotic in the spirit of the same  Запах мокрого асфальта ("Wiseman") and conditional "dark" direction ("Family Values"), however, there are also more cheerful/straightforward examples ("Lemmings") — let it be breakfast, dinner and supper of release. There is a small part of black metal ("Guerilla and a Gallows"), noise/spoken word ("Restored Organism") and already quite a decent piece of hip-hop in a vein of  Макулатура, Ночные грузчики and Рабы лампы ("By All Means") — consider it as lunch and a meal after dinner of considered full-length album. Well, as it should pass to mathcore almost according to the canon there are elements of jazz ("First Step"), sometimes very pleasant to the ear, up to the prefix "smooth" ("Synthetic Robes") – that's how
daily diet is closed with fruits, being eaten chaotically in breaks between main meals.

Regarding vocal, fans of an early Dan Stark won’t hear branded falsetto/countertenor in the spirit of powerviolence-band Bruce Banner – a more "human" timbre is now applied. Surprising association with the voice of Раскольников (Raskilnikov) from Трагедия всей жизни (Tragedy of life) appears in track "?".


Lyrics on release are sharp and topical in best traditions of punk rock. This is anticlerical ("Everything In The Name Of Novocerkovsky Desman") or even antitheistic ("Chaos") speach, critics of gadget addiction ("There Was A Time When I Didn't Have A Smartphone"), existential longing ("By All Means"). More than actual as for CIS , so as for USA cult of food with phrases like "he who works, eats/finish your meal – it's your strength" ("Fatties Banquet") is being discussed. And, of course, widespread lumpenproletarian mentality ("Broken Windows Theory"). Format "song-story" known by Dan Stark’s creativity is also unforgotten by authors, for example "The Most Beautiful Monkey":

Самая красивая обезьяна
Перестала за собой следить
Поклонники уходят из жизни рано
Спешат себя поскорее убить

Былой восторг
Навечно стёрт
Волосатые ноги и пизда
Не греют сердца
Усы и сросшаяся бровь
Не удостоятся холстов

The most beautiful monkey
Stopped taking care of her looks
Her fans die early
They hurry to kill themselves as soon as possible

Former delight
Forever erased
Hairy legs and cunt
They don't warm hearts
Mustache and unibrow
Would not be honored on canvases

Cover artwork reminds Poison Idea (because of collage letters — similar or definetely lookalike type is on Abusive Fisherman’s logo), and the described superband itself — rather Venomous Concept. Anyway, even Sex Pistols had similar fonts, so it’s getting harder and harder to come up with something new, and tastefully choose a stylish manner is also an art.


As a summary: 29-track album, due to conciseness of the most its compositions not at all protracted, does not have time to get bored and because of the intensity /hits (not to the mainstream level indeed). There is what to listen to without and with attention, what to smile to and what to think to. "With balls", sometimes even provocative. It’s definetely worthy of being in music library, listenings with reading lyrics and enthusiastic reviews from critics.

The opinions expressed in the reviews convey the views of the authors themselves and do not necessarily reflect the position of Neformat.com.ua

Abusive Fisherman in social networks:


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1. Мизандрия (Misandry)
2. Мудрец (Wiseman)
3. Партизан И Виселица (Guerilla And A Gallows)
4. Первый Шаг (First Step)
5. Синтетические Рясы (Synthetic Robes)
6. Гнездо (Nest)
7. Самая Красивая Обезьяна (The Most Beautiful Monkey)
8. Семейные Ценности (Family Values)
9. Восстановившийся Организм (Restored Organism)
10. Всё Во Имя Выхухоля Новоцерковского (Everything In The Name Of Novocerkovsky Desman)
11. Хаос (Chaos)
12. Всенепременно (By All Means)
13. Якоря (Anchors)
14. Фальшивый Интроверт (Fake Introvert)
15. Замятое Дело (Case Closed)
16. Лемминги (Lemmings)
17. Когда-то У Меня Не Было Смартфона (There Was A Time When I Didn't Have A Smartphone)
18. Очень Сильный Человек (Very Strong Man)
19. Расклад (Deal)
20. Банкет Жирдяев (Fatties Banquet)
21. Батарейка (Battery)
22. Изнутри (From The Inside)
23. Модель Для Подражания (Role Model)
24. Тощий Полицейский (Skinny Policeman)
25. Теория Разбитых Окон (Broken Windows Theory)
26. ?
27. Мишень (Target)
28. Пока Я Ходил На Работу (While I Was At Work)
29. Мизогиния (Misogyny)

May, 1, 2019